Area converter nepal/ Land Converter Nepal:
In Nepal, according to cities different land area measuring units are used. So, we may need to convert aana to dhur, dhur to aana, 10 dhur to aana, 4 aana to dhur, Square meter to aana or aana to sq ft. This tool, Area Converter Nepal or Land Converter Nepal simplifies the process.
area Conversion Table
Unit | Divisions | Square Meter | Square Feet |
1 Dhur | 16.93 | 182.25 | |
1 Katha | 20 Dhur | 338.623 | 3,645 |
1 Bigha | 20 Katha | 6772.63 | 72,900 |
1 Dam | 1.99 | 21.39 | |
1 Paisa | 4 Dam | 7.95 | 85.56 |
1 Aana | 4 Paisa | 31.79 | 342.25 |
1 Ropani | 16 Aana | 508.74 | 5476 |
Source: Survey Department of Nepal
Area Converter Nepal Calculator:
(Ropani-Ana-Paisa-Dam) (Bigha-Kattha-Dhur) |
Ropani Ana Paisa Dam Bigha Kattha Dhur |
Note: Conversion facors based on publication by Central Bureau of Statistics,
Most Common Area units Conversions:
1 Aana = 31.79 Square Meter (Sq m) = 342.25 Square feet (Sq ft),
1 Dhur=16.93 Square Meter (Sq m) = 182.25 Square feet (Sq ft),
1 Kathha = 20 Dhur, 1 Bigha = 20 Kathha,
1 Aana = 4 Paisa = 16 Daam,
For Aana to Dhur,
1 Aana = 1.88 Dhur, 4 Aana = 7.52 Dhur,
For Dhur to aana,
1 Dhur = 0.532 aana, 10 Dhur = 5.32 Aana,
1 Kathha=10.64 Aana,
1 Square meter (Sq m) =0.0315 Aana =0.059 Dhur =0.003 Kathha
How to Use Area converter Nepal Calculator:
- Select the Input Unit: Choose the unit of the value you’re entering.
- Enter the Value: Input the numerical measurement you want to convert.
- Choose the Output Unit: Select the desired unit for conversion.
- Get Instant Results: The calculator will provide the converted value instantly.
- नगरपालिका Format reverse calculation: If your units are in municipal format enter inputs in this section, your will get desired results.